Greetings Earthlings!
This is the story of our journey, from Suburbia, Back To The Earth...
Just a little over 2 years ago I was a Suburban Housewife with 4 kids living in a neighborhood that felt like a fake movie set, because that is what I was raised to think we need to do. I weighed almost 300 pounds, and really no other life away from the couch. I was so miserable that I was living vicariously through the characters on my show, and trying to ignore my own. I was so tired of competing with the next housewife down the road over who had the best holiday decor, best dressed and clean cut kids, nicest shiniest car, biggest bestest birthday parties, and that was life, just a competition on a fake movie set. We were a picture perfect family, but for what? To impress who? And what makes their judgement so important? Never feeling completely fulfilled, even trying to meditate in my own backyard I still felt so far from the true Earth beneath me. Then one of the Sister's at our church introduced me to "The Secret" on Netflix, and my life was transformed. Once I learned about the Law of Attraction I discovered a whole new world, a truly magical world. If you are not familiar with the Law of Attraction I would suggest starting with "The Secret" and discover the magical world of Manifestation for yourself!
The first thing I did was left the city and found myself an Eco Village...
About 30 miles out of town we found Wind Spirit, and the journey began! I shed myself of all the furniture, and gadgets that filled my 3 bedroom suburban home and simplified. Scary at first, but once I shed it all it was like a huge burden was automatically lifted off my shoulders. The plan was to sleep in a tent while a structure was being built. Cobb was the plan, building a sleeping dwelling out of clay and sand harvested from the nearby land, and then straw and framing materials are all that you have to buy. Well coding for such a structure is more difficult than we expected, especially when it's not your land. So we lived in one of the Cobb buildings they already had built, and learned all we could about Cobb, while experiencing what it was actually like to live in one. Our son called it a sand castle, and that's about what it felt like, living in a giant sand castle.
We loved it! Only it was a true hike up a wash to get to it from where we had to park, way down at the bottom of the hill. At first I had a hard time even getting up the hill with a walking stick, being so overweight, and in 6 months time lost over 100 pounds! Once I stopped eating all the preservatives and processed sugars, it was like my body was actually able to do what it was supposed to do. I always say, if you can't pronounce it, then don't eat it, since your body won't know what to do with it, and will store it till it can figure it out, in fat cells. Eywe!
Life in the Eco Village slowed way down. We became part of the small staff behind the scenes who lived there to maintain the land and gardens for a Yoga and Spiritual Retreat Center.
With plenty of time for art, and R&R. Hiking and taking the time to learn how the Natives lived off the land. Then Yoga, and Ecstatic Dance on the yoga deck daily at 4!
Then having just enough time to prepare for dinner, which I didn't even have to do every night! When there are enough people who love to cook, everyone signs up for a day of the week and makes enough for the whole community, and if you cook, you don't clean! Perfect setup for an ex suburbian housewife trying to escape the daily routine of cooking, and cleaning, and cooking and cleaning!
Life was almost perfect, but that one little thing they call the all mighty dollar bill, even reaches all the way out there. Living so far from town made making money much more difficult. You need to get creative to succeed, so I learned the art of Wildcrafting! If you know what to harvest ant when, the Sanoran Desert is really so lucrative! From salves, to tinctures, or just making beautiful works of art with pieces of nature. And that is where Back To The Earth was born!
Now I am sharing my story, from the request of those who have heard, hoping that I can help others who feel stuck in the daily 9 to 5 to see that it's not the only way, and show them how I found my path, Back To The Earth. While offering all the little things that have helped me along my way, and featuring local Wildcrafting Artists to an audience that will respect the value of "handmade".
My web page is a place where you can follow along with us as we eagerly discover natural ways to bring our whole lifestyle, Back To The Earth. You can read and comment, see pictures and videos of our community life here at Sacred Earth Village, and workshops, and events. And an easy place to shop for all those things that have helped us along our way, or that you see us make, or custom request we make! Keeping those personal, healing, and sacred items still personal, through the power of technology!
Now you can follow along with us on our journey…Back To The Earth!

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